Personal Round Two!

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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by OffLand »

Ross, I'm in your club. My wife and I aren't planning on kids either.
Been married for 5 years now. Think about how much more music I'll be able to make for the world! I have no excuse though as I'd probably be a great father. I'm just selfish?!
- Off Land
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Pandemonium »


I'm sure most of us here will manage a FSOL looong conversation,
mostly because we rarely have another real-life fan to talk to about them.

I'd definitely talk about them with you for days, because I still think you know about them more than any other fan,
first hand information, and lots of interesting stuff I learned from you over the years :)

Well, now it comes to mind I never thanked you for all that - Thanks Ross :) for everything.
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Tito Lozano »

Pandemonium wrote:@Ross:

I'm sure most of us here will manage a FSOL looong conversation,
mostly because we rarely have another real-life fan to talk to about them.

I'd definitely talk about them with you for days, because I still think you know about them more than any other fan,
first hand information, and lots of interesting stuff I learned from you over the years :)

Well, now it comes to mind I never thanked you for all that - Thanks Ross :) for everything.

100% in accordance,Thanks to Ross and Pete (and all people that makes this a place for FSOL fans/listeners) for Forum and all Fsol Things,this is my home into a Chaotic Network World...

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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by seedy »

the whole "not ready yet.....need to save the money, have the time" etc etc. isn't a true reality.
don't get me wrong they are real world factors but many people do not realize that when push comes to find a way to make things work.

i remember freaking out a bit when i learned my buddy was going to have his 4th kid on one income. just couldn't fathom how he could keep adding kids and not end up in the poor house.
well somehow he's got 7 kids today and trying for another - still on one income!
and he's not rolling in just....figure it out.

anyhoo.....sure ross you have other reasons than just this too and it's silly to think that opting out of parenthood is "doing it wrong" or anything like that. i could see someone thinking "you're making a mistake" but the truth is that is only THAT person's reality. that kind of mistake for one person could be a blessing to someone else. it could be true that you are passing up on a life that you would snatch up in a heartbeat if you knew the truth....but in the end if you're happy you're happy - so who cares!
and as you suggest....."oh you should TRY it". lol there is no trying! there is only doing and being stuck with that decision for the rest of your life!

moving on.....
lol it's funny that pande says this about real life FSOL talk because i was thinking the same thing the other day. "i listen to music that nobody else i know listens to". it's so f'n true....there is just so much music i LOVE SO MUCH and don't have a single educated ear to speak to.

what would our FSOL lives be without this place?
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Pandemonium »

OK Seedy, I need to tell you that you sounded like a boring aunt who harasses everyone with stories how great kids are and facts from relatives and friends... I mean... it's not OK...

It's one thing to ask everyone personal questions and a whole other thing to start giving them directions...

PS - where IS Pete?? on some kind of looong vacation?

PPS - OK I see Pete is posting in other threads, so I guess he's around :)
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by seedy »

i don't think i was giving any directions?

tried to be pretty clear to say that if ross is happy with his choices then that's all that matters :)
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Pandemonium »

I know you mean well and all that,

but these personal rounds are well named, they're personal :)
If someone shares them, fine, but lets not analyze everything they said and comment that some parts are not like that and all that...
you know what I mean...
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by RazorJack »

seedy wrote:moving on.....
lol it's funny that pande says this about real life FSOL talk because i was thinking the same thing the other day. "i listen to music that nobody else i know listens to". it's so f'n true....there is just so much music i LOVE SO MUCH and don't have a single educated ear to speak to.

what would our FSOL lives be without this place?
Yeah it sucks to not know anyone in real life (outside of this FSOL forum, that is) who knows and loves FSOL the way I do. There's one dude who owns a local record store here who says he has known them for "a long time" but "grew out of it ages ago". In any case, he was kind enough to import the Accelerator reissue LP for me without any additional costs :mrgreen:
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by seedy »

Pandemonium wrote:I know you mean well and all that,

but these personal rounds are well named, they're personal :)
If someone shares them, fine, but lets not analyze everything they said and comment that some parts are not like that and all that...
you know what I mean...
oh i'm just sharing a bit of wisdom from the other side and commenting on a common fear

there is nothing "wrong" with a single thing ross said in my book

either way if anyone is offended please do PM me and I'll quickly remind you that i love you :mrgreen:
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Ross »

Well my initial response was because it can appear a bit preachy - but we know yr not doing that. So all is good. Let's try not to take it further. :)
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by seedy »

oh heck no
it makes no sense to me to be pushy with something as huge as that
nobody needs to or should - i only preach that it's doable and awesome

but of course so are a million other things in life :D

there are surely aspects of life i now miss out on
it's a tradeoff i'm fine with but sometimes there's that moment where you just KNOW that "uh yeah....that's like not my life anymore".

i guess some of this comes with just getting old too
which should be a future topic :P
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by billybatts »

Congrats on the second one Seedy! my thoughts: I regret having waited until my late thirties to have kids. i thought my playtime would be over. It's true, your priorities do change, but it becomes the right thing to do somehow. I also thought I would love having kids but 'love' doesn't really cut it - it's much, much more than that.

Ross, I don't want to go all agony uncle on you, and even while I'm typing this I can see some replies below indicating that you are exercising extreme patience with all of us, but I've started now...but imo it's a shame that you and your girlfriend are denying a basic human impulse for what for in the most part appear to be political reasons. Overpopulation (even if there is such a thing - all economically developed nations across the globe have been experiencing a declining birthrate for decade after decade. Some, like New Zealand and Canada, have effectively bribed would be parents) is not your fault. there are so many factors at play. if you were that political it is capitalism that wreaks far more damage on the planet, on natural resources and human wellbeing than overpopulation, so why not devote your efforts into understanding that and have your family, instead of worrying about overpopulaton. You don't say what is is exactly about overpopulation that doesn't agree with you but if it's things like natural resources depletion then you may have fallen victim to a sleight of hand. It's the primary economic system of the world which drains the planet and humans of our resources. it relies on built in obsolescence as the primary driver. So for instance, the water needed to make the tyres for one car massively dwarfs the water needs of a village ( ... -make.html) So I am slightly skeptical about it as a problem, as it may have undertones of slightly dodgy ideologies such as colonialism, and capitalism. ie, the idea that other developing nations mustn't have their industrial/technological revolution boom as it would upset the cosy little apple cart we have up here and any effective competition would affect the ability to take their natural resources at rock bottom prices and sell it back to them as a refined product at a thousand times the price. Anyway, you didn't go into details so I can't be sure these are your reasons.

And overpopulation shouldn't necessarily be seen as a reason not to have kids because being parents is more than just littering the planet. it helps you grow as a person and brings out your nurturing and caring side which your community as a whole (and I mean virtual communities like this one too) benefit by. it also brings you two closer together and helps make sense of your relationship as you age, and your children will hopefully look after you as you grow older ;)

also, and this comment isn't directed at you necessarily, don't let money or the lack of it put you off. kids products are a massive industry and it's amazing how little you actually need. friends and family are so amazingly generous when you have children and give you so much stuff. You can effectively ignore every book, magazine, baby club or piece of advice you are given as most of it is rubbish. stick to homemade and simple where you can. like, my brother in law told us about putting cooled peppermint tea into a pipette bottle and giving a few drops of that after every feed to prevent colic. fucking genius idea and our tot didn't suffer from colic at all, ever. works for teething too. all my family and friends were feeding their kids 'gripe water', and baby calpol and all sorts of nasty and expensive shit.

anyway, i'm only saying any of this because i selfishly want our great, great, FSOL chronicler to have a progeny who will continue your noble works, and maybe make a film about FSOL one day :P :P :P

To get back on track, our second one is on the way :) my wife says this one feels very different to the first. i played my son loads of Cascade and Lifeforms when he was still inside and he HATES it when I play them now. I'll play The Isness to the new one and see what happens.

And Pande, congratulations too! We fully expect your child to learn the letters f, s, o and l first, ok?
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by seedy »

haha....well billybatts i can thank you for officially taking me off of the hook of feeling like i was being pushy :P

like i said
happy = happy
the way to wish for ross to have kids and not be pushy is to just secretly say a prayer for him at night and hope for a precious accident lolololololol

correction - i do NOT have a #2 on the way yet though i wish it were true!
as i referenced in my last post.....i'm only getting f'n OLDER!!!! :|
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by billybatts »

ah well, then in that case congrats are to Pande at this stage.

although it's cool how someone 3000 miles away on an internet forum can be considered pushy - just shows how close we all are on this board, and just try and give our two cents because we care.

Anyhoo, what happened about the meetup? I'm kinda looking forward to getting Ross started on fsol over a mighty feast (or +wine = banquet)
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Re: Personal Round Two!

Post by Ross »

I suppose that I should add that we generally don't want children. Neither of us like children. There are lots of other political and social reasons which I shan't go into here as that never ends well, but when it boils down to it, it's not something either of us actually want to do. I've never had a natural urge to have children. And with my AS I need a LOT of time to myself.
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