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Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:13 am
by moxlox
dell1972 wrote:Must. Not. Listen.

I'm not going to do that this time, it really does ruin it when you listen to the whole thing in full. I'll certainly try my best not to give in...
I'm with you! Waiting for the vinyl to hit my deck! Very hyped for this.

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:21 am
by Ross
Thanks again chaps!

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:00 pm
by RazorJack
I haven't received notice yet that the LP shipped out.

But it's out on Spotify!

To listen or not to listen... I can't resist :) *presses PLAY*

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:07 pm
by epitome
Damn, nothing in the post today. Fingers crossed for Monday then and I'll make some time for it in the evening.

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:30 pm
by Dennis
Ok, just noticed in the morning the album´s available for download on amazon already, and I fucking couldn´t resist. So I bought the album TWICE (yeah I know I´m a rich & stupid bastard). Had some shit days last week and I just NEED something to brighten up my mood. :)

And it did its job. Dare I say this is the most blissful music I came across for a long time? OK, this is huge, epic, soulful, emotional to the max. I´m pretty surprised as well, for most of course that the teasers really completely mislead the way the album´s actually sounding. It´s kind of VERY proggy, with looooads of amorphous 'Sax and Violins' going on. What 'Murmurations' was on Env4 is now kind of 'scattered' across the whole album. But as a difference this marriage of AA and FSOL never sounded so natural and emotionally intense. There´s lots of hints to 'The Cartel', (they even used some bits on the third track) but strangely in the end it appears clearly as a FSOL-recording.

The album flows very well, no harsh breaks in style and mood like on Env3, though it´s pretty varied style-wise on the other hand. Cannot really tell if I like it better than E4 or E2, must wait for the dust to settle...

And yeah, 'Moments of Isolation' is exactly the 'grande finale' the other Environments have been missing a bit...(Ok, Glacier 2 worked well), easily one of the beautifullest things Gaz´n Brian came up with since 2008, reminds me a lot of 'Blue Sky' from Translations.

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:28 pm
by RazorJack
First impression: fantastic album!

Some highlights/comments so far:
Point Of Departure - great opening track that builds up very well, but I especially like the synths in the quieter parts in particular, in the first and last minute(s)
Source Of Uncertainty - quite a dark but beautiful piece, too short!
Beings Of Light - kinda ominous ambient with what sounds like a choir singing
In Solitude We Are Least Alone - FSOL showing (off) what they're still capable of. My second favorite track off this album.
Machines Of The Subconscious - ok so this is my favorite track so far. I wouldn't mind if they'd made it 4x longer, it's too f*cking short!!! :cry:
Dark And Lonely Waters - Another criminally short beautiful track that deserved more time
Somatosensory - A bit chaotic but works very well
Moments Of Isolation - this would perhaps be the most "normal" sounding track, and a great one at that


Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:26 pm
by Dennis
Dying While Being Held - this one is awesome. At first reminded me almost a bit of Vangelis/Mike Oldfield(without the guitar of course). Epic lush harpsichord/syntheziser building up a massive wall of sound. FSOL were somehow always the proggiest among the electronics, even back in the nineties, but here they top it all :) I love it

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:01 pm
by epitome
Aargh, I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't got it!

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:30 pm
by Pandemonium
You're not the only one :)

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:20 am
by dell1972
I'm waiting too, trying to avoid the samples. Only listened to the short ones on Brian's stakker YouTube page

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:22 pm
by Concept
Are you guys just joking around? I'm seeing no way to play Environment Five on Spotify (and this is across three devices: laptop, tablet, phone). Best I can get is the screen to come up, but all the tracks are greyed out and don't play.

I've already got it pre-ordered on fsoldigital, but if there's a way to play this album early over spotify, could you let me know? Cheers.

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:58 pm
by RazorJack
Nope, not kidding:
[+] Oooh and did you know that ...
Maybe it's only available in certain countries. Or perhaps you need to have the Premium thing of Spotify (lucky me, this comes bundled with my ISP's other services :) )

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:13 pm
by darktrain
that is weird..Im in the uk and have spotify premium and there's no sign of it.Kind of glad because i've pre-ordered it through fsoldigital so the money goes straight to them as well as getting the e.p too :)

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:31 am
by Concept
Must be based on region/country. I'm on Premium and it's not showing up other than greyed.

Re: Environment FIVE: out 8-Sep-2014

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:22 am
by epitome
How do you go about downloading the bonus EP? I was hoping if I logged into my account today I would have a download option, so I could listen to that whilst I waited for the CD :) Can't see one though... is it just a link and code that comes with the CD then?