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Welcome to The Galaxial Pharmaceutical, an archive of everything FSOL related.
(N.B. Currently only moderators can create new topics in this section)
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Environmentalisations Se7en
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This forum

Post by Enofa »

In the near future, I will be retiring the domain after 11 years. As it's been nearly two years since I did anything Second Thought related, and it's costing me far more than I really need to spend given that I barely host anything on it anymore and have no money, it seems apt.

Viewing figures for WttGP are pretty... low. The news blog gets a lot of hits, and this board seems to, but by and large the only people who go to the site are looking for something particular from Google and not spending too much time browsing the whole page. It's 2013, fansites are, in some ways, a thing of the past. At one point I considered just taking the site down and leaving the news page with a link to the forum.

Then I figured: no. Then there'd be no (largely) accurate discography, interview archive, live & transmission list of FSOL online. So I came up with what I think is a good compromise and the next version of the site. I will be creating a new home page with links to the news blog, the forum, and a bio. I'll also have tables with overviews of their discography, interviews and broadcasts. However, these will not link to part of the website, but take the browser direct to the accompanying thread in these sub-forums.

My hopes for this are: to get people to comment on individual releases, making the bulk of the site more interactive, and at the same time hopefully increase interest and membership in the forum. It also means I'll be able to make quick edits when new information turns up, keeping the place far more up to date.

What this sub-forum is:
An interactive archive of all FSOL-related data and information relating to their releases, transmissions, performances and interviews. All entries will be open for reply, and both discussion of the music and corrections to the entry are encouraged in the thread.

What this sub-forum isn't:
A replacement for release-focused discussion in the main section of the forum. Be they all-encompassing review threads like Pandemonium's wonderful mega-thread, or individual thoughts or questions, you are welcome to post them in the main FSOL section of the board. The primary role of this section is as a guide to FSOL. So whether you choose to post here or in the main section, it's up to you. Time will tell how popular and well-read this section becomes.

Creating this will take time, so please have patience!
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Environmentalisations Se7en
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Re: This forum

Post by Enofa »

As this is a massive job and I'm a lazy bastard, I'm doing a straight copy from my site for the minute. I'll then be going through it all in more detail, adding images, up-to-date information, sample info etc. (a hefty load of it courtesy of the wonderful Pandemonium and his review thread). That way I can get the job of the main bulk done and then be able to really give the details the attention they deserve. Hopefully be able to get the first part done this week.
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Environmentalisations Se7en
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Re: This forum

Post by Enofa »

Ok, all entries should now be present - now for the long haul of editing and updating every page. Going to try and get some sort of general format for each page that should make it uniform, and going to need to triple-check everything against Discogs, the sample thread (and WhoSampled) and of course Pandemonium's thread.
Also going to separate the Zeebox and Archive albums out into their own threads as well as sorting out individual threads for promo releases like ISDN Show, Promo 500 and The Witchfinder.

See you next century.
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Re: This forum

Post by mcbpete »

Good werk man :)

Now (automagically) sorted too so should be of a bit more usable !
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