Explain Royalty

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Explain Royalty

Post by seedy »

ok i just became pretty dumbfounded to learn that apparently there is a lot more royalty out in the world than i ever knew

scandanavian countries and places like spain?

so my naive question - what does this stuff even mean? my impression is that these are just titles and really they are just celebrities? or i guess that's my UK impression as that is the only limited exposure i've ever experienced.

i'm not even sure wtf i'm asking here.

the whole prince/duke/king thing is baffling. seems like in some cases the "3rd heir" to whatever is much younger than the 4th which would mean that #4 would die before being given a chance for....uh whatever.

ok so to sum up this post::
royalty - what gives?

side note - i'm amazed at how interested some peeps are with diana, harry, middleton here in the USA
i couldn't even begin to care less. they have zero impact on our country so i'm not sure what the interest is at all. perhaps it's just romanticism or something lol
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Re: Explain Royalty

Post by Ross »

I'm amazed how many people care over here. Having been fortunate enough to spend most of my adult life in the company of people who generally think for themselves, in the past few years I've been exposed to parts of the 'normal' population, to find most of them adore, respect, or at least have an interest in them.

In the UK the royal family are largely promoted as figureheads - bringers of tourism, spokespeople for our nation on various diplomatic matters, charity workers etc. - but technically the head of state has the right to veto any laws passed in government. More worryingly, the royal family seem to have rather a worrying amount of persuasion in terms of lobbying government - the topics of which either the royal family and the government refuse to reveal.

The biggest mockery of all is when you have a government pulling money from every corner of our welfare state, taking much needed cash out of our failing healthcare system, outwardly criticising the unemployed and disabled for spending taxpayers' money, and then spending millions on the royal wedding.

Er, I'm not exactly pro-royal.
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Re: Explain Royalty

Post by epitome »

I'm not pro-royal either. To be honest, I didn't think most people over here (UK) cared one way or the other. People in Canada seem much more interested in our royal family, in my experience :P
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