(1997-05-03) Mixing It

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(1997-05-03) Mixing It

Post by Ross »

Mixing It BBC Radio 3 May 1997

Interviewer: And now I believe, if those noises in the background are anything to go by, we are actually now connected to the Future Sound's studio somewhere in Northwest London. Garry are you there?... calling Garry Cobain.

Garry Cobain: I am indeed, yes."

Interviewer: Oh great. Garry, thanks for doing this special live performance for us. Why is it that you prefer this ISDN way of doing things to the more traditional "get up on a stage and face the adoreing multitudes" approach?

Garry Cobain: I think for a number of reasons really. One of them, I guess is that we do have a sense of history. In a way we are bastard children of this generation, we are bridging over between this age and almost the mythology of the rock and roll years. I've kind of watched all of this stuff and I've been fed it over the years and quite frankly, I kind of believe it. I believe that Bowie was sensational. I believe that, you know, that Hendrix was a great performer and almost out of respect for that I don't feel really that Elecronica, what we do, in a way can express itself in the same way. I don't really want to emulate, I just want to move forward in a way and I think the best way is to almost use mechanisms that for us have become slightly dead. You know, I think radio is a very powerful medium and I think there is something within the permeatations of what we are playing with, you know, graphics, movies, music, 3D, transmissions, ISDN. I think that there is something within all this stuff that I just haven't hit yet and I just want to keep trying until I find it and I think it could be very very powerful.

Interviewer: So is this stuff that you are planning to record in the future? I mean do you use these, sort of, ISDN things as like workshops for future albums?

Garry Cobain: Radio is really exciting for us because it enables us to be illegal really. All sounds from the wastebins of time is up for grabs. I think that the way that our records are released world wide now has almost lead us into the situation of being musicians where by we're being so clever with our samples that we're not sueable really. I mean that is the essence of it and I think that radio's quite nice because we can plunder. We can plunder the wastebins. We can plunder television and film and just not clear any of it. I mean that's just a really nice thing for us and it actually leads to some quite good work. In a way I think the role for FSOL as just collage artists is a powerful one, you know, rather than musicians. I never really set out to be a musician. I'm not a musician! I'm a collage artist and to a certain degree the ilegality of that is important. I would like to get back to that, you know.
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