Terminal Website

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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

Given that "how about a physical release?" was met with almost 0 response, I don't think we're quite up to the 'putting money into it' stage yet.
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Akkya »

indeed - real shame, thought kickastarter was a great opportunity for us
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

To be honest, at the moment I'm focusing largely on my own stuff - got a few things I need to get out of the way this year and a couple of big releases next year, so lacking in time and money.
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by mcbpete »

I think the new version of Drupal (v8) will be focussed on making sites quickly with lots of premade templates and will also focus on mobile friendly sites. Plus it's free. No idea when it's coming out though
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Pandemonium »

Joomla 3.3 already does all that, for free. - The responsive templates are awesome and fit ANY size (mobile, pad, tablet, pc, etc...)

But the templates that are really good and designed well, aren't free - but I've told you this before - my side-job is making websites - I have lots of cool paid templates that I will share with you if you need Terminal website. Also, you can pimp a template and play with it's code all you want - and make it unique.

- Paying annually for hosting and domain name are the only expenses you need to figure out. (it's in the 60-75 euros per year ballpark)

- example: I can provide this one for pimping it into a Terminal website (remember, you can add/change/tweak and take out all elements)


- example 2:


- example X - I could go all day :)



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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

I quite like the first one of those. The others are a bit too busy, though (particularly as we don't have a fast-moving news feed, or indeed much content)

I dunno, almost every artist and label I follow just uses Tumblr / Wordpress / Blogger, I stopped seeing the need to fancy, flash-looking websites a while ago. Don't think we're going to convince anyone we're some sort of pro outfit. :P
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Pandemonium »

Well, it's your choice guys, the ones that you mentioned ( Tumblr / Wordpress / Blogger ) are just simplified / automated versions of a normal or should I say professional website - a one where can you do almost anything you imagine - which is not the case with the Tumblr / Wordpress / Blogger...

If we have pro site, and we already have pro artwork and pro music/mixes - what's to say Terminal isn't a pro outfit???

BTW that same site can be used for marketing for the solo releases of the Board members - I mean, you do collabs all the time anyway...
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

Given that we don't make a living off Terminal, it's fair to say we're not a professional outfit in any way. ;)

I suppose it depends on what you're used to, but it's very rare I come across an artist or label I like that isn't represented online by a blog, or a Soundcloud / Bandcamp page. Certainly in the circles I largely move in, the standalone, paid-for website is almost a non-existent thing these days, which is why it's not something I can get excited about. When a label like Psychonavigation has a Tumblr-powered page, I can't find a way to justify spending 75 euros a year on hosting.
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Pandemonium »

I didn't realize pro meant to make a living out of it... but OK...
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by LooseLink »

My two cents/pence/mini-currencies:

We're in the age now where its beginning to be more apparent that we don't need a middleman to achieve creative things like this, and be ourselves sustainable to continue and evolve. We have the tools and a more direct line to our fans once the fanbase is big enough than ever before. Fans who enjoy what were doing can be very generous if we communicate the fact.

If its a flash setup, instead of just a blog, then it gives a reason for me, Akkya and Herd (and whoever else) to put our 2d/3d animations in there, even Nmesh's and Noisesurfer's crazy video sampling can be incorporated in there, Ross's photos, all of that together will give the group an extra character, and show were capable of creating not just music, since Pande is good with websites for example. One thing we need to do is stretch out, not just pump music out, but create the opportunities for our music to be used in different ways and different places.

If we're going to be serious about Terminal beyond where it is now, we all need to get 100% behind it creatively.
All our releases will need to be under the Terminal umbrella, or released through Terminal. All future releases like My World Building album, International Debris, Nmesh's future work, Herd's, Akkya's, FMA's, Noisesurfer's etc etc. Then we ALL get behind it and promote it. Newsletters, mixes, ads, videos, you name it. So peeps all come to Terminal for all our material under one roof, and then discover other work, and all our fanbases come together, instead of being spread out. This would be good for those who are struggling abit.

Its up to us if we want to be under one thing so people can find us easier, or we can just keep following our own paths by ourselves in the vast seas.

Where it is now with Radio and the few newsfeeds, and this forum, its pretty cool to me, we're in a good spot now. For our next step, if we choose to take it, Its also probably a good opportunity to try these new things out.
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Akkya »

LooseLink wrote:My two cents/pence/mini-currencies:

We're in the age now where its beginning to be more apparent that we don't need a middleman to achieve creative things like this, and be ourselves sustainable to continue and evolve. We have the tools and a more direct line to our fans once the fanbase is big enough than ever before. Fans who enjoy what were doing can be very generous if we communicate the fact.

If its a flash setup, instead of just a blog, then it gives a reason for me, Akkya and Herd (and whoever else) to put our 2d/3d animations in there, even Nmesh's and Noisesurfer's crazy video sampling can be incorporated in there, Ross's photos, all of that together will give the group an extra character, and show were capable of creating not just music, since Pande is good with websites for example. One thing we need to do is stretch out, not just pump music out, but create the opportunities for our music to be used in different ways and different places.

If we're going to be serious about Terminal beyond where it is now, we all need to get 100% behind it creatively.
All our releases will need to be under the Terminal umbrella, or released through Terminal. All future releases like My World Building album, International Debris, Nmesh's future work, Herd's, Akkya's, FMA's, Noisesurfer's etc etc. Then we ALL get behind it and promote it. Newsletters, mixes, ads, videos, you name it. So peeps all come to Terminal for all our material under one roof, and then discover other work, and all our fanbases come together, instead of being spread out. This would be good for those who are struggling abit.

Its up to us if we want to be under one thing so people can find us easier, or we can just keep following our own paths by ourselves in the vast seas.

Where it is now with Radio and the few newsfeeds, and this forum, its pretty cool to me, we're in a good spot now. For our next step, if we choose to take it, Its also probably a good opportunity to try these new things out.

I 100 % agree
I have been on big and small labels with my Techno and it makes no difference to sales or to promotion
No-one has picked up my ambient work after my debut album, which I still regard as a masterpiece (very proud)
My new work is in some ways more musical and refined, and some of the best work I've done, and no-one wants it.

I like the punk ethic, use of technology, freedom of artistic expression, the fact that we have made a radio show run successfully and with ease for two years nearly, we have three releases (album wise) and we have done more and reached more people without a record label or promotion other than our own.

Imagine what we could do if we adopted the momentum and practice of a label, and promotions company, supported each other and created that Terminal base camp of operations.
Imagine that for a minute...
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

This is kind of where I was a few months ago before the apathetic response to TW3 once artist copies had been sent out, which might also be why I'm little more cynical now too. ;)

Although I disagree with all of our releases being on Terminal - although sometimes things can happen like Akkya's experience, I think having releases on other labels can also bring people in. I've had it myself, people are more interested in my solo stuff now than they ever have been, thanks to releases and appearances on releases on Time Released Sound, Twice Removed, Flaming Pines and Inner Ocean. I'm suddenly on people's radar (so obviously I've gone for a name and genre change, because subconsciously sabotaging any possible success is one of my greatest talents :D )

If we do take it more seriously as a label, I also recommend inviting one or two more well known / successful musicians to join in. Not FSOL or anyone, just somebody who has is recognisible. It's obvious that most people here are involved in very different online scenes (although I'd say there's probably a big overlap with mine, Tim's and Dimitris's ambient experiences,) so it's possible we could get a few different scenes involved. Obviously it depends if people are willing to bring 'outsiders' in, but it's one piece of advice I've always heard from people who've started labels. If you can get the label on people's radars immediately, they're more likely to notice it in the long run.

In terms of the website being Pandemonium's contribution, that certainly makes more sense. I still see little to no evidence that it will make us be taken more seriously (if Keith at Psychnovigation and Stephen at Opal Tapes can make livings off their labels operating from a Tumblr and Bandcamp respectively, then a stand-alone site seems unnecessary.) On the financial level, Tumblr is incredibly versatile, most templates can be altered dramatically, and it can be incorporated into a .com (my old rossbakermusic.co.uk website was just my Tumblr) - and it offers unlimited free hosting, so there is a potential compromise there.
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Pandemonium »

I haven't looked at Tumblr in detail... but if it does all those things - for free - how are they making money?? Will someone explain this to me :)

after some googling...

http://rcs.seerinteractive.com/money/ -- this tells me tumblr may not be alive for much longer...

Tumblr also sells Premium Themes / Sponsor Products / Radar / Promoted Posts (Pin + Highlight) for Followers / Spotlight

-- so, not much different than FB in marketing...
-- Ross - are you sure Psychonavigation uses only the free stuff on Tumblr ? Because it doesn't look like that...
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by mcbpete »

Pandemonium wrote:I haven't looked at Tumblr in detail... but if it does all those things - for free - how are they making money?? Will someone explain this to me :)
I think the revenue comes from their sponsored posts - https://www.tumblr.com/business/advertise (not 100% sure what the costing is of such messages)
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Re: Terminal Website

Post by Ross »

Tumblr has a fair bit of investor backing. A lot of the site is tied in with the fashion industry, I think fashion stuff seems to take up a massive proportion of the site.

http://psychonavigation.com/ - that is a Tumblr page, nothing else. I don't recognise the theme, so it's been customised, but you could have a page like that and literally pay for the domain if you wanted to. You can customise the html / css at source for every theme.
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